Дома » Вопросы-Ответы


  • Q Do you experience the following issues when choose door locks.

    1.It is difficult to find a Guaranteed DOOR LOCK ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURER from China?
    2.Too many shell company, you can’t find a full-service company with R&D manufacturer and technical support.
    3.The supplier can’t solve in time when countering a problem in using door lock body.
    4.The products’ quality is uneven, some supplier can’t guarantee the life of the products.
  • Q We can help you to solve the above issues you may meet when purchasing from our suppliers for we can offer you:

    1.Professional expert technical team.
    2.Professional after-sales maintenance team.
    3.24 hours standby online service for you.
  • Q Do you experience the following issues when choose door locks.

    1.It is difficult to find a Guaranteed DOOR LOCK ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURER from China?
    2.Too many shell company, you can’t find a full-service company with R&D manufacturer and technical support.
    3.The supplier can’t solve in time when countering a problem in using door lock body.
    4.The products’ quality is uneven, some supplier can’t guarantee the life of the products.
  • Q We can help you to solve the above issues you may meet when purchasing from our suppliers for we can offer you:

    1.Professional expert technical team.
    2.Professional after-sales maintenance team.
    3.24 hours standby online service for you.
Zhejiang Yighe Technology Co., Ltd.
+ 86-0577-86806111.
+86 - 13587653067
No.659 Dingxiang Rd, район Лонжен, город Вэньчжоу, Чжэцзян, Китай, 325000
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